Why does it take so long to develop a vaccine for virus

 As we are facing the pandemic situation world wide with COVID 19 which is caused by the virus known as CORONA VIRUS.

Why we can't able to find a vaccine for the virus. 

Step-by-step how a vaccine is made.

So,why it takes so long to develop a vaccine? In order to answer that question,  you need to know how a vaccine is created. 
See steps below how it takes to create one.

1.Determine the genetic sequence of the virus.

Thankfully, scientists cracked COVID-19's code in record time 

2.Develop a vaccine using one of few different strategies. 

3.Start the first clinical trails using healthy, normal volunteers. 

It measures the antibodies in blood and ensure there aren't any dangers associated with the vaccine.

4.Begin second round of clinical trials in larger population of people who are at risk for infection.

"This stage is conducted in thousands of people ,and it takes time to go through these studies. 

5.Approve vaccine for widespread use. 

When scientists are confident that a vaccine works,it gets massed produced for large populations.

Although these steps may seem fairly straight forward,each phase takes a plenty of time &coordination from researchers & doctors in order to ensure safety & precision. 

These are the main reasons why we can't find or develop a vaccine for a virus within in a small time before getting into a pandemic situation. 


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